Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Post Twin Pregnancy Weight Loss Advice

I decided to dedicate only one post to weight loss in this blog because I think that’s all that is required. Maybe I’ll make another blog concerning my tips to staying slim but I don’t want to spend much time here.  At 5 months post-op I now fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes.  In fact, they are getting looser every day!  At this time in my life weight is no longer an issue and I don’t like to dwell on the subject. I’ve made peace with food and my body.  Our society’s views on nutrition, weight loss, and food has become so perverse that it usually puts me in a bad mood just talking about it.  So how did I drop the pregnancy weight you ask?
  1. gave birth to over 6lbs of flesh plus some fluid and other yucky stuff
  2. didn’t get much sleep for a while
  3. cared for twin infants which is very physically demanding
  4. once the girls started sleeping through the night I had more energy to cook again and could continue my pre-pregnancy eating habits
Ta Da!
Are you disappointed?
I didn't use any totally AMAZING body wraps.  I also took no expensive pills that send you to the toilet every hour. I ate three square meals a day when time allowed and I tried to avoid fast food as much as possible. Exercise consisted of me trying to juggle increasingly heavier babies while keeping my house looking like animals didn’t live there. My belly did get stretch marks from pregnancy but they are getting lighter every day.  My core muscles were thrashed after housing two babies and the cesarean weakened what was left.  I make sure to do some squats and crunches every day which is slowly helping to restore my flat belly.  My hair went through the customary massive shedding session which was no fun but it’s finally starting to get thick again.  You're probably thinking, “Oh, you’re just genetically inclined to be thin so it comes easy to you.”  Just like most women out there if I eat a bunch of fast food, sit on my butt all day, and have dessert with every meal then I’d be as big as a house.  There is nothing special about me (or you for that fact) and you shouldn't over complicate weight loss. If you want a true weight loss guide then I would recommend Naturally Thin: Unleash Your SkinnyGirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting or French Women Don't Get Fat . These books helped me to have a better relationship with food and to form my own nutrition philosophy.

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